Big White Buddha Statue 6 feet

SKU: 01775

190,000.00 inc. GST

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    Big White Buddha Statue in glossy white makes this dramatic statue an especially alluring accent and is sure to beckon second glances wherever you place it.

    Material:  Off white  Sandstone statue
    Dimension(HWL): 72 x 48 x 24 inch
    Position: Sitting
    Height: 6 ft

    Features of the  White Buddha Statue:

    • A pleasing sculpture of Protection/Blessing Buddha is s shown above.
    • In rich white sits over a lotus pedestal.
    • His right hand is raised and facing outward symbolically portraying a guard or protection.
    • While the left one extended towards the palm up in the lap which means courage and offers safeness.
    About the blessing Buddha:
    • Siddhartha Gautama is “Buddha” which means — the “Awakened One”.
    • Born as a royal Prince whose father had guarded him against any kind of misery. From the time of his birth until the age of 29, he was given everything that one could desire looks and riches, a beautiful wife, and a healthy son.
    • Then, at 29 he experienced sickness, old age, and death for the first time. Devastated by what he saw, Gotama realized that all beings were subject to these things, no matter how much they had of worldly goods and grandeur. He could no longer neglect the fact of life.
    •  So, he left his home permanently and took up the begging bowl and staff of the Samana, to seek the end of his samsara, the continuous cycle of births, deaths, and rebirths.
    • Gautama sat under a huge tree that was later called the “wisdom,” or “Bodhi” tree, and professed not to leave it until he achieved the liberating knowledge he sought.
    • He undertook a long and difficult period of meditation that culminated in his gaining deep insights into the human condition. Ultimately, in confounding the tricks of the demonic Mara, he believed he did attain Nibbana (or nirvana).
    Tips for creating a relaxing place:
    • A bamboo water feature with a stone bowl would fit well with the White Buddha Statue making it become a focal point in your garden, park, or landscape.
    • Mimic the look and feel of a mountain landscape in miniature in the park, garden, or landscape.
    • When there aren’t any colorful plants in a garden, the eye usually notices things such as the shape, texture, and placement of your sculpture to a new level.
    • A courtyard is a perfect place for a little rock garden around the sculpture because it’s easier to create a low-maintenance oasis.
    • A tall urn could easily become a centerpiece surrounding your White Buddha Statue.
    • A minimalist pavilion would provide a sheltered spot where it leads you to the sculpture.
    • A single White Buddha Statue on a rippled sand area is enough to draw the eye.
    • A conifer on a mossy green base of the sculpture surrounded by several rocks would mimic some mountain’s landscape.
    • A small waterfall near it is also a great idea. Water gives positive energy to the space because falling water adds to the soothing nature.
    • A pavilion, a carp pond, beautiful trees, and garden paths should all be highlighted with lights to make the statue look gorgeous at night too.
    Cleaning tips for White Buddha Statue :
    • Start the cleaning by dousing it by using a hose spray. Once it gets, wet rinse it thoroughly with a cloth or sponge.
    • Let it air dry after giving a final bath.

    Additional information

    Height: 72in    Width: 48in    Length: 24in
    Packing & Delivery

    Aprox Time of Delivery: 6-10 days