Green soap stone Radha Krishna under a tree statue 12 in B35

SKU: 00170

30,000.00 inc. GST

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    Shrivatsankam mahoraskam
    vanamala virajitam |
    shanka-chakradharam devam
    Krishnam vande jagadgurum ||

    Meaning: One who has the divine birth mark of ‘srivatsa’, One who has broad chest, One who has garland of wild flowers. The divine being who bears shankha and chakram, Praise is to Krishna the universal guru.

    Radha-krishna two names always taken together, who are meant to be two bodies one soul, they exhibit the most selfless type of love, which tempts every soul to fall in love. A love story which did not meet its destination but is always remembered as most beautiful love-story. Shri Krishna did not marry Radha rani but could never forget her through his life. So bring home this statuette and experience the most remarkable love story in history. Even feel loved and enjoy the masterpiece beautifying your house and office premises.

    Additional information

    Weight18 kg
    Height: 12in    Width: 6.5in    Length: 3in
    Stone Type


    You can use this statue for decoration, puja or gifting purpose.

    Statue Care

    Simply dust the statue with a small cotton hand broom periodically to keep any dirt from accumulating.

    Statue Height

    9-12 inch