Dimension(W:H:L): 42:20 inches
Description: Green tree Tasar Painting 20 x 42 in. This art offers a rich and artisanal appeal well suited to modern conventional decor with a twist of tradition. Sophisticated and timeless appeal with gentle ambient.
The fascinating ancient art of Odisha “Pattachitra”. Depicts Hindu mythological tales and folks along with nature, animals, and flowers through rich colors, creative motifs, and unique designs. A fine display of craftsmanship at its best. One common element found in every Pattachitra is the flower border give a sameness to the entire painting.
The colors used in the painting are purely made from natural ingredients. The white color extract from seashells was powdered soaked to make the white paste. The color green is made from the green leaf and green stones. Red is made from a local stone called Hingula. Another stone named Khandaneela was used to extract the color blue. The yellow is made from, stone named Hartal. Black is extracted by burnt coconut shell. These five colors are also called Pancha Tatwa. Every color has its significance, as the white illustrates Laughter (Hasya), Red stands furious, astonishment in yellow,
The hair of the mouse and Buffalo used to make brushes and tied to the end of a bamboo stick. The floral border makes the art astonishingly beautiful.
A tree has many symbols to interconnect with human life. Just like branches strengthen with time and grow upward, human life also acquires, knowledge and experience as move through life. The deep-rooted in the earth and branches reach outward to the sky, it represents stability and growth. A tree symbolizes fertility, finds a way of growing through a seed, it signifies the vitality of a person. The branches sprouting in different directions symbolize human learning and shaping himself with different experiences. In his life cycle a tree losses its leaves in winter and flourish new fresh leaves again in the spring likewise a human also experiences darkness and light, death, birth, a fresh start in his life cycle.
Hanging a tree wall painting brings peacefulness and relaxation. A sense of calm can rip from the art. The green uplifting aesthetic painting is sure to complement any decor. The soothing texture blends with the background and stands subtle.
Care: Wipe the surface with a soft clot