Height: 8 ft
Dimension(HWL): 96 x 64 x 30 inch
Position: Sitting
Although being born as a prince and leading a luxurious life he left everything behind in search of a solution to end the pain and sorrow one comes across in life. After six years of searching, he finally attain enlightenment by meditating under a banyan tree. He spent the rest of his life teaching others about how to achieve illumination. It’s not a medicine to swallow but a rigorous practice of mindful thought and action.The above statue depicts his meditation journey, seated until attaining enlightenment. It is one of the calmest postures of Lord Buddhas. Sitting on a pedestal in Vajrasana (double lotus pose), both hands resting on the lap, the dorsal of the right hand resting on the palm of the left hand with the thumbs touching each other, forming a triangle shape which is a symbol of spiritual fire, which consumes all impurities. The triangle also denotes 3 jewels of Buddha, the Buddha himself, the Dharma, and the sangha.
The Buddha represents the goal of Buddhist spiritual life, the end of suffering for the one who attains it, next the Dharma signifies the experienced learn by the enlightenment mind and the Sangha represents the spiritual community. The dot on his forehead is a symbol of wisdom, completely closed eyes depict deep concentration (the mind became undisturbed).Happiness comes from sereneness, Lord Buddha’s meditating statue is a reflection of placidity. So keeping a meditating Buddha will enhance the positivity around the space. The surrounding will feel more soothing and unwind.
Placing: Northeast and Southwest is the most favorable place to keep the meditating Buddha. Face him always to the east as Buddha used to meditate at the hour of sunrise. To make your outdoor more reposeful, place a meditating Buddha in your garden, pool, fountain, or lawn. You can spread small colorful stones all around the statue to amplify the decoration of the outdoor.