Material: Sandstone / Red stone
Dimension(HWL): 48 inch
Position: Sitting
Height: 4 ft
Let’s explicate the Panchamukhi Hanuman sculpture:
- The statue is seen genuflecting on a lotus base.
- The statue has five faces in all five directions with ten hands endowed with many weapons like a battle ax, disk, mace, trident, prayer bead, and sword.
- The enthralling form is made by the proficient artisans of Odisha where stone engraving is widely recognized for its intricate design globally.
- Considered to be the 11th incarnation of Lord Shiva.
- The five-faced Avatar of Lord Hanuman is those of a lion, eagle, horse, monkey, and Varaha.
- “Hanuman” means “Disfigured jaw”,(Hanu means jaw, and man means Disfigured).
- Lord Hanuman is the personification of supremely powerful, immortal, and omnipresent.
- Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated every year on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Chaitra Purnima in several parts of India.
- The idol should be put in the southwest direction of the home or office.
- You can worship the idol in your temple, home, or office.
- Place it at the entrance of your garden, park, or landscaping.
- Strive to inspire peaceful contemplation with the garden statue, in your garden, park, or lawn.
- Combine the basic elements of plants, water, and rocks with simple, clean lines to create a tranquil retreat with the sculpture.
- Create an attractive arbor or archway to display the structure in it.
- A winding path that leads your eye past the stone pagoda and invites you to speculate on what’s around the next corner.
- Place it near conifers that provide soothing shades of green around the year, like hedges and bushes.
- Moss makes a peaceful-looking ground cover in damp, shady areas. Because moss doesn’t tolerate foot traffic nicely, place a stepping stone walkway among the moss to allow passage without damaging its soft surface.
- It is believed that placing a Panchamukhi Hanuman idol wards off evil energy and that households don’t suffer any problems.
- It also aids in getting Goddess Laxmi’s blessing.
- Considering Vaastu, all Vaastu dosha gets eradicated with his grace.
- The five-faced idol not only relief from miscellaneous diseases and removes all planetary dosha.
- Douse the statue using a hose in gentle mode, once it got soaked.
- Rinse the statue using a cloth or sponge you may use a small bristle brush to reach the detailed parts of the statue.
- Once you are done with scrubbing, let it air dry followed by a final shower.