Dimension(HWL): 120 x 48 x 36 inch
Position: SittingDescription: Pink Sand Stone Big Buddha Outdoor Statue Sitting on Life Story Base, a fine off-white surface finish embellish the surrounding. Just from a single glance of the statue, your soul begins to feel relax and calm your mind.
Siddhartha Gautama, when he was born a presage was given that either he would be a powerful king or a spiritual leader. Although he was born as a prince and before becoming a king, fate has restored some other plan for him, after he saw an old aged, a sick, a funeral and a religious ascetic. he realizes life is full of suffering, that arises from want or loss. So he decided to leave the royal and lavish life in search of enlightenment. Which he attains after 49 days of continuously meditating under a banyan tree, in Bodh Gaya.
This statue depicts his phase of teaching life, where he delivered his first preach. He shared all the experiences he gained from meditation, the four noble truths, and the eightfold path. one will free himself from the wheel of cosmos if he recognizes the truth and follows the path. The four noble truths are 1st. Suffering, 2nd. The cause of suffering, 3rd.The end of suffering, and 4th. The path leads to the end of suffering.
The eightfold paths are Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
Teaching Buddha is widely recognized as Dharma Chakra Buddha. His statue’s posture depicts the chakras by making circles (chakra) from the tip of the index and thumb In both hands. The right hand is raised and folded near the chest while the other rested on the lap. Sitting on a pedestal, Both legs crossed with each other(called Vajrasana), the sole of the feet face up with eyes completely closed.
The statue of teaching Buddha is beneficial for those who seeking knowledge and spiritual growth in life. It is believed to enhance the positive energy of the space where it place.
Placing: The Northeast sector is called favorable for Teaching Buddha. It will create a magnificent as well as soothing environment if you keep the statue outdoor with plants all around, atop a fountain, swimming pool, Lawn, etc.
Care: The durable Sandstone Buddha statue can stand any weather. You can use water to clean or a cloth/broom to wipe it