Dimension(HWL): 8 x 5 x 2.5 inch
Position: Sitting
Lord Buddha, was born to king Shudhodana of the Shakya tribe. He had an opulent and sorrow-free life until the age of 29. He encountered the defining traits of humanity an old man, a sick, and dead. Made him disturbed while he saw a monk walking peacefully, and calmly. He realized that the pain and suffering are awaited all humanity, it won’t spare even a prince or king like him. That is when he gave up his lavish life left the palace in search of a solution to relieve from the universal suffering.
Lord Buddha then devoted himself to deep meditation, in the first stage he saw past life and the cycle of birth and rebirth(samsara). In the second stage, he found the law that guides the endless cycle (Dharma). In the third stage, he saw the consequences of good and bad (Karma) and gained enlightenment, a perfect state of wisdom, and intellectual. which he later share with others on how to achieve it.
The above statue depicts the form of Bhumisparsa mudra of Buddha while meditating, there is a story that lies behind this mudra. While meditating there is a demon named Mara who intervene Buddha from achieving the final goal, Lord Buddha then touches and called the earth for a witness, the earth goddess appeared and dislodge the demon and bears the witness of the enlightenment.
In this form Lord Buddha is seen sitting on a lotus platform with right hand held flats on the right knee touching the earth, while the left hand resting on his lap, palm face-up. Eyes are closed in deep meditation.
The most favorable benefit of this mudra is that will support you in any room you want to place. As it represents wisdom and calmness, it helps to transform agitation into wisdom. Beneficial for health issues.
Placement: To rip the benefits place him facing east, as Lord Buddha used to meditate at sunrise. You can also place him in the study, living, library, mantle, on a desk too. as it represents the earth element you can place him in the center too.
Care: The easiest nonporous material is soapstone, so no excessive cleaning attention is required. Use a broom or a piece of cloth to dust the surface is enough to maintain the shine.