Dimension(W:H:L): 12:12
Weight: 0.045 kg
Description: Ram Darbar Coloured Pattachitra Painting. The beauty of the art along with the vibrant color is beyond words. A graceful option to display on your desired wall, as a pulsing decor.
The Pattachitra art is conceptualized in Odisha. It is a display of painting in a cloth, depicting various mythological and life
events of Hindu God and Goddess.
The sourcing of colors and materials is solely natural. Five colors white, red, yellow, green, black, known as Pancha Tatwa been used to color the painting. The white color gets by soaking, drying, and churning seashell, The red extract from a stone Hingula, stone Haritlal used for yellow, color Green used from leaves and green stones, and black is obtained from lamp soot, or either from burning coconut shell.120 more colors are used by mixing of the Pancha Tatwa color. The hair of, mouse, buffalo, and Keya roots are used to make the brush for the painting. It is then tied to a bamboo stick for the brush handle. The flower border on the painting makes it more of a note.
Lord Hanuman is the son of mother Anjani and Father Keshari, widely known as Pawan Putra Hanuman. Famous for his keen and ardent devotion to Lord Ram. He represents strength, fearlessness, and determination.
In this picture, Lord Ram is sitting on Singhasan with Goddess Sita, Lord Hanuman also is seen at the feet of his Lord Ram. on the top right a priest has seen blessing Lord Ram. The Whole darbar is a symbolic representation of ourselves like Lord Ram represents the soul, Goddess Sita represents intellect, Lord Hanuman represents the mind.
This picture is a blessing of the whole of Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, and Lord Hanuma together. From idealistic relationship to, fulfillment of all wishes and harmony with prosperity the picture has a lot to bestow upon. Bring the representation of serenity and fill your life with affection and love.
Care: You can use a soft cloth for dusting the surface of the painting.