Ram Sita – Paper Mache Mask

SKU: 00509

1,048.95 inc. GST

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    Lord Rama is the seventh incarnation of lord Vishnu, the supreme protector and preserver of the universe. He was an epitome of patience, kindness, obedience, love, sacrifice, compassion, valour, wisdom and justice. He is worshipped as the Marjyada Purushottam shri Rama. He was married to the Janak-Nandini Sita who is said to be the incarnation of goddess Lakshmi who is the symbolism of beauty, wealth and purity. The couple is considered to be two body one soul and here in this paper mache mask the two supreme entities are presented as halves. The lord is coloured blue and the goddess is coloured yellow. The mesmerizing expressions of the divine couple can captivate the hearts and minds of the spectators. So grab this beautiful piece at a very affordable price.

    Additional information

    Weight0.2 kg
    Height: 5.8in    Width: 4.75in    Length: 2.85in