Dimension(HWL): 72 x 48 x 24 inch
Position: Sitting
Dhyana Mudra is always done in a sitting position. Like here, the pose where Lord Buddha is meditating on a plinth, both Legs are folded, called the double lotus pose. The dorsal side of the right hand is resting over the palmer side of the left hand, together with the thumb of both hands forming a triangle by touching the tip of each other. The triangle is a symbol depicting the unity of the triple gem, the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha, The Dhyana mudra signifies, the balance of thought, senses, and tranquility.A prince by born, changed his path towards looking at life in a different prospect after seeing an old man, a sick, a funeral, and a religious ascetic. He realizes that suffering is the reason for all loss and pain, so he left his luxurious and royal life at the age of 29 in search of illumination. Which he later achieve 6 years of meditating under a fig tree, and spent the rest of his life teaching others about his findings. His teaching is known as “Dharma”, sagacity, altruism, bounty, solicitude is an important trait to lead a peaceful life.
According to Feng-Sui, earth color tones Buddha statue, or made from stone is dedicated to well-being, self-care, and boundaries. To make the atmosphere calm and soothing placing a Buddha statue will amplify the positivizes. As mediating pose depicts peace and composure it will help to boost your inner peace.
Placing: Buddha made from stone or clay said to activate the earth element when placed in Northeast or Southwest and center. Not just religious significance also make a decorative item to beautify your space. The color blends easily with nature, around plants, water elements in your garden, pool, lawn, etc.
Care: It is very simple to restore the look, clean it with water whenever you see any dust on it, or else you can simply wipe it with a cotton cloth to get rid of dust compile.