Description(W: H:L): 18:10.5:6.5 inch
Position: Sitting
Description: Sand Stone Eka Mudra Budha Sculpture 18inch 12. A weathered finish statue with a peaceful sense of the look. An elegant sculpture becomes more beautiful with age.
Siddhartha Guatama, a name given by his family, son of queen Mahamaya and king Shudhodana clan of Kashya tribe. Upbrought with wealth and opulence, Gautama was unaware of outside affairs of the world, the pain or any suffering human faces in his life. He married and father of a son. Until the age of twenty-nine, life was going as before but a sudden incident changed the way of looking into life. One day he went outside his palace when he saw, encountered an old person, a sick man, and a corpse, each or the first time. In the same way, he saw a monk who was walking on the road with a peaceful look on his face. This event forces him to realize that every human is subject to old, sick, and death.No wealth or opulence would protect him from suffering these definite fates of humans. He left the royal life and went out to search for a way to overcome all the Dukha. Six years following different practices, couldn’t find a satisfactory answer. He finally finds a middle way. Sat beneath a fig tree in deep meditation. The final moment away from achieving his goal, a demon king named Maara tried to tempt him and prevent him from accomplishing it. Knowing this Gautama lowered his right hand to the earth and roared ‘i bear you the witness” to which the earth goddess appeared and sweep Maara in a flood and allowing Gautama to achieve enlightenment, from the day he was named Buddha ‘a person who is awake”
The statue above is widely known as earth touching Buddha, or Bhumisparsa Buddha, in this pose Lord Buddha is seen sitting on a lotus, with eyes completely closed in deep meditation. The right hand lowered over the right knee pointing fingers towards the Bhumi(ground), palm facing inward. The left hand remains flat on the lap, palm facing upward in Vitarka mudra. the Vitarka mudra represents the flow of energy.
This form is widely known as the Amitabha pose, “the boundless light”. As it represents focused concentration, so keeping the statue is beneficial for people who desire to live in peace and calm. It also helps to improve meditation skills.
Placement: Keep the statue east facing. Also favorable if you consider keeping him in the Northeast and southwest corners it activates the earth element. A spiritual gift for your loved ones too.
Care: Use a dry cloth or a broom to dust the Buddha statue.