Material: Sandstone/ Redstone
Height: 20 inch
Description(HWL): 20 x 12 x 7 inch
Position: Sitting
Lord Buddha the name was given when he became enlightened. Before that, he was a crown prince Siddhartha Gautama born of king Shudhodana and queen Yashodhara. A priest named Asita predicted about Lord Buddha he would eventually become a powerful king or a sage with high intellectual knowledge, knowing this king Shudhodana tried all toe to head to privileged Lord Buddha with luxury and opulence, so he will not get distracted in the harsh side of samsara and succeed him to be a king. Until the age of 29, Everything was going so well, he was married and became a father of a son, but destiny has planned something else when he came across the reality of human life where everyone has to go through the suffering “the Dukha”. He left all the lavish and royal life and began searching for a solution to end the cause of suffering. 6 years after meditating under a bodhi tree he attain enlightenment. And the rest of his life he spent preaching to others about his discovery and how to achieve it.
The above statue of teaching Buddha depicts the moment of his preaching after attaining enlightenment to his dispels first time in Sarnath. The statue has much spiritual nonverbal significance of his posture and gesture. Sitting on a lotus signifies that every man has the potential to grow and overcome pain like a lotus does, even after growing in dirty water it blossom and produce a beautiful flower likewise. His both legs folded in double lotus mudra, his right hand folded near the chest (symbolizing that the teaching is given straight from his heart) by forming a circle with the tip of index and thumb, palm face outward. The left hand is resting on his lap, forming the same circle, palm face upward. The circle denotes the “Dharma Chakra” the Wheel of Dharma”. The remaining fingers of the two hands remain extended. Each of them has some significance like the middle finger of the right hand denotes the listener of the teaching. The ring finger symbolizes the solitary Buddha (who independently achieves liberation), the little finger denotes Mahayana Buddhism. The other three fingers of the left hand denote the gems of Buddhism fist the Buddha, The Dharma (teachings), and the Sangha (the spiritual community).
His first sermon was about the four noble truths, and the eightfold path to achieve the path to end the suffering. With ethical conduct, the right attitude, and meditation one can overcome all the sorrow and can achieve enlightenment.
The Dharma chakra Buddha is a suitable choice for those seeking academic and spiritual development in life. It also helps to develop wisdom and focus in your life.
Placement scope: The northeast sector is considered to be best to rip results from the statue, make sure to face him east.
Care: Gentle wiping with a fiber cloth and broom will be enough to keep the statue clean.