Radha and Krishna are the brightest example of pure, selfless love. Two names that are always taken together. Defining the true meaning of love since ages here is the couple which exhibits most heart-touching love story. Age is never a barrier in love so relive the moment of love by fetching this statue to beautify your house or office premises to feel loved.
Here the couple is portrayed standing next to each other beneath the kadamba tree (burflower tree). Lord Krishna is playing his favourite musical instrument with which he used to enchant every soul of Vrindavan. Radha is portrayed with an earthen pot in her hand, which she used to carry to Yamuna river for fetching water. Behind them is the cow, lord Krishna used to take his cattle for grazing near Yamuna.
This beautiful statuette filled of love, made with love, for love. So, feel loved or make your close ones feel loved.