Material: Sandstone / Red stone Statue
Dimension(HWL): 36 x 22 x 10 inch
Position: Standing Statue
Height: 3 ft
- The stone sculpture is of Lord Krishna with the cow.
- Adorned with many pieces of jewelry, engraved on his body delicately.
- The statue has such appealing power to draw your attention at the first glance, constructed from a single stone to showcase the efficiency of the artist who engraved the beautiful sculpture.
- “Lord Krishna” is the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe.
- Lord Krishna is the supreme personality of the godhead.
- Lord Krishna appeared in the village of Vrindavana raised by his foster parents as a cowherd and a miraculous boy.
- He also killed various demons who were trying to disturb the innocent people of Vrindavana and tried to harm him.
- Child Krishna “Gopala” was adored for his mischievous pranks, he is the favorite of all Gopis (wives and daughters of cowherds).
- Krishna is renowned as a true lover, of his beloved Radha. All Gopis and Radha dance ecstatically with him in the moonlight.
- The eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada is celebrated as the day of Janmashtami.
- The Northeast zone is beneficial to place the statue considering Vaastu.
- Displaying it in the middle of a sprouting fountain will be very soothing.
- Do something majestic by exhibiting it at the center point of your garden combining it with some small flowery plants around the stone sculptures.
- Placing it at the end of the path using a stepping stone invites engagement from the onlooker.
- Complement the statue with curated bushes and hedges, evokes the beauty of nature.
- speak of the beauty of ancient by placing it in front of a greenery wall that is richly imaginative.
- Lord Krishna is beneficial in promoting a career. Good deals and profits are earned within the business of the devotee.
- It is said that it brings healthiness and freedom from various serious and chronic diseases.
- It reduces the malefic effects of Planet Ketu.
- You do need to provide regular maintenance to get the most out of this stunning garden decor element. It not only helps you to keep it looking fresh and new for any guests, but it will also increase the life of your statues.
- Give a basic wash to your statue with your tap or with a hose on a gentle mode.
- Once the statue gets wet gently scrub all of the detailed areas of your statue.
Once you’ve completed these areas, use a scrubbing brush to scrub the remaining areas. - When you find that this is enough and all loosen the buildup of grime and excess dirt from the statue has been cleaned, Wash your statue with your hose on a gentle spray to give a final bath.
- And finally find a cloth, or towel to dry your statue down.