Dimension(HWL): 28 x 16 x 16 inch
Height: 2.5 feetThere was a prince named Siddhartha Gautama. Brought up and raised in wealth and luxuriousness. Shove off from the luxury life after encountering the suffering of the world at the age of twenty-nine only. undergo many extremes and finally determined to find a middle path six years later which appears to be his all answer to the suffering by meditating under the bodhi tree. The person is known to be “Buddha” which means the awakened one. Which he later share with the world, how to escape from suffering and the path to achieve it, he spent his entire life teaching others.Lord Buddha’s life has been showcased through many postures and gestures him from meditating, sitting, standing to reclining, each posture has some significance with his life except the head, which remains the same in all of his distinct physical features. That curly hair on his head was not hair, Lord Buddha has shoved his head when he left his palace, during his meditation time he was meditating under a tree, a snail which was passing by saw that the sun rays directed towards Buddha’s bald skin which may distract him from achieving his goal, tom which the snail went up to his head so he can provide lubrication from his damp body to protects Lord Buddha’s skin, seeing this many other snails also followed him to the head. When Lord Buddha stood up after his meditation he find out 108 snails covered up his head, and succumbed to death due to the hot rays dehydrated and dried only to save him from the rays. So the head of Buddha always seen the snails covering in his head to remind the sacrifice of those 108 martyrs who helped him to achieve the path of enlightenment.
The top nut bump on his head represents the intelligence and polymath he gained after enlightenment. The dot on his forehead widely known as the third eye, makes him see beyond the worldly and physical world. His protracted ear lob symbolizes the state that he can hear the suffering of the world. His half-closed eyes depict his deep contemplative state yet see through the awakened third eye. The smirk smile on his face illustrates his understanding of the universe despite the suffering.
The presence of the Lord Buddha head statue benefits us in many ways, it improves mental well-being, strengthens the calmer side of one’s inner self, and develops a strong vibe of peace around the surrounding. Keeping a Buddha head at study and kids room will rip the success benefit of an academic purpose. And keep in mind always face him to the east where ever you purpose to place him.
Placement: Not only spiritual benefits it can be proved to be a magnificent home decor piece to add ornamentation to the decor.
Place a head statue if you have a tiny balcony garden, you can put him among the flower pots. Otherwise many other options like statue him in Console table with few figurines, and on the sideboard between two lamps of the same design will amplify beauty to your decor. Also, it can be proved to be a divine gifting option for your loved ones.
Care: Sand stone Buddha Head Statue can be easily clean with fiber cloth or with a broom, whenever required to get rid of dust.