One which is created has to be destroyed one day; destruction is the means of purification, which is inevitable. Lord Shiva is the destroyer among the trinity, he is the supreme among the sage, and he is also referred as satyam, shivam, sundaram, which means truth, goodness and beauty which are most essential requirement for a living being. In this scroll lord shive is presented in his Nataraj form performing Tandava, a dance which shows power and beauty of lord Shiva. He holds the Ganga in his hair, and has the moon over his head, with a snake around his neck, and wearing tiger skin with body covered with a layer of ash, holding a trisula (trident) and a dambru.
Bring this scroll home which presents the lord in a beautiful manner with well defined designs, and fine artwork all over the palm leaf which will make out and outstanding addition to the beauty of your house.