Unique Soap Stone Meditating Buddha On Snake Statue 6 inch


Only 1 left in stock

  • Handmade
  • HWL: 6 x 3.5 x 1.5 in
  • Material: Soap stone / Pinkstone Statue
  • This product is ready to pack and despatch.
  • Packing and despatch : 3-4 days
  • Delivery after despatch: : 6-10 days
Unique Soap Stone Meditating Buddha On Snake Statue 6 inch
Unique Soap Stone Meditating Buddha On Snake Statue 6 inch 6,000

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Unique Soap Stone Meditating Buddha On Snake Statue 6 inch.  An excellent choice for wisdom cum peacefulness in one statue. The tranquil statue makes a brilliant choice to add to the interior.
Material: Soapstone/Pinkstone
Dimension(HWL): 6 x 3.5 x 1.5 inch
Position: SittingSiddhartha Guatama was born to queen Maya and King Shudhodana, he was raised in all wealth and opulence. At the age of 16, he married a princess named Yashodhara together they had a son named Rahula. Until the age of 29, Gautama was unaware of the universal suffering of human traits. One day on his way to Kapilavastu Gautama approached an old, sick and corpse which made him think that no wealth or material pleasure will protect him, everyone is subject to old age, sickness, and death the definite suffering. While on the way to returning to his palace he encountered a holy monk who was walking peacefully on the road. these incidents made Siddhartha Gautama o find a solution to the worldly suffering of all humans. He left his royal life in search of the quest.

After 6 years of hunting for the solution, he went to many monks, made himself into starvation, self-deprivation but getting no answer to his question he finally sat beneath a bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya when he attain enlightenment.  Later he shared his discovery with his disples.

The above statue captured the moment from his Dharmachakra mudra while meditating. The statue is seen sitting, on a coil in Vajrasana pose known as double lotus pose. While Lord Buddha was in deep meditation he didn’t acknowledge heavy rain coming and tried to sweep him away, seeing this the seven-headed snake wrapped around him and lifted him out of the water. And spread the hood over the head of the Buddha to protect him. As statue seen above. Both hands are held near the chest, forming a circle with index and thumb, the circle represents the wheel of Dharma. This mudra, in front of the chest, symbolizes the teaching is straight from his heart.

This unique fusion statue is worth keeping home at. Which is beneficial for people seeking academic and spiritual development in life. As both signify wisdom and intellectual, so keeping it in your space amplifies the calm and peacefulness in the surrounding. Rooms like study, prayer, library, mantle are a few recommended options to keep the statue. A perfect gifting option too for your loved ones.

Placement: Northeast and southwest are favorable for, eternal knowledge. Face him to the east (Where the sun rises)where ever you desire to statue at.

Care: Soapstone is a nonporous material so the cleaning made it so easy. Dusting the surface with cloth or broom is enough to ward off the dust.

Additional information

Dimensions1.5 × 3.5 × 6 in
Statue Type

Stone Type

Statue Position


Bring this statue of happiness and luck home, decorate it in your office for prosperity and good luck or gift them to your loved ones.

Statue Care

Simply dust the statue with a small cotton hand broom periodically to keep any dirt from accumulating.

Shipping & Return

Give us 48-72 hrs for packing and despatch the product., Return: If any product is damaged while receiving, please inform us within 24 hours with the product photos.

Statue Height

6-8 inch