Lord Ganesha is the “Vinayaka”, the knowledgeable, the “Vighneswara”, one who removes all obstacles and the “Siddhi-Vinayak” one who bestows success and boons. Here the elephant headed lord is perfectly sculpted out of black stone and designed with precision. He is portrayed having four hands and his trunk facing towards the left towards his bowl of sweets. The lord is presented sitting on a platform with lotus pattern over it and has one leg resting and other knee folded. He carries an Ankusha and a Pasaa and raises his hand with grace to bless his devotees with knowledge, prosperity and success. A unique combination of his elephant head and a quick moving tiny mouse as his mount represents tremendous wisdom, intelligence, courteousness and humbleness.
This statuette will not just enhance the purity or spirituality of your environment but will also shower happiness, peace and harmony.