This yellow teakwood stone small garden lamp post showcases an unconventional take on lighting concept. It is highly adaptable to a wide range of lighting needs.
Material: Teakwood stone statue
Dimension(HWL): 18 x 9 x 9 inch
Height: 1.5 ft
Feature of the decorative stone:
- A tier-based lamp post is described here, that is made from Sandstone which looks alike teakwood.
- Spacious hollows are carved so the light can disperse widely.
- This carving shows how a simple stone can turn into a magnificent one when went into a proficient hand.
- The 1.5 ft lamp can highlight a deck with stairs, porch, or patio ensuring one will not trip over in dark.
- Give your guest a warm welcome by incorporating the lamp in the entrance of your home.
- Besides Garden gnomes, the small flower beds light up a strong presence in your park, garden, or landscaping.
- Make a series on the edge of driveways that will look brilliant after sundown.
- Incorporate it in your pathway home, not only improve curb appeal but also make walking along the path safer.
- Add real drama to your outdoor water features like a swimming pool, fountain, or pond, illuminating walkways lead to the water feature add some near the water so the reflection can be seen through the water.
- Go one step ahead and mounted the lamp post on top of a wall.
- Lighting is one of the important features of outdoor illumination and also adds a wow factor to your exterior decor.
- Cobwebs and loose dust often accumulates, which diminishes their sparkle, which needs cleaning. Make this chore easier with our easy tips and suggestion.
- Before starting cleaning makes sure the electricity is turned off. Take the bulb out of the fitting using protective gloves, and let it cool down.
- The lamp post is detachable so that each piece can be cleaned in properly. Now using of lint-free cloth wipe the light bulb. Use a dust broom to buff the cobwebs, and dust each one properly.
- Once you are done with dusting, reassemble the lamp post, and enjoy the illumination.
- Twice a year or as per requirement clean the lamp post with water by rinsing and detaching all the grime and moss with a coco bru.