Soap stone Lord Vishnu sitting statue 8.5 inch B31


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Kaayena Vaacaa Manase[a-I]ndriyairvaa
Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Va-Anusrta-Svabhaavaat |
Karoti Yad-Yat-Sakalam Parasmai
Naaraayannayeti Samarpayet-Tat ||


Whatever I do with the Body, Speech, Mind or the Sense Organs,
Either by discrimination of the Intellect, or by the deeper feelings of the Heart, or by the existing Tendencies of the Mind,
I Do them All (i.e. Whatever work is to be done) without Ownership,
And I Surrender them at the feet of Sri Narayana.

Here the protector and the supreme lord Vishnu is depicted sitting with four hands, in one he holds his sudarshan chakra, in other he holds gadda and in other he holds sankha, or the conch. With his other hand he blesses the one who worships him with whole heart, and grants their all the wishes and protect them from any sort of trouble. He has taken several forms in order to protect the world and to establish the dharma. So bring home this statuette to feel the power of truth and righteousness. Feel protected from all evil with the blessings of the supreme lord.

Additional information

Weight8 kg
Dimensions2 × 5 × 8.5 in
Stone Type


You can use this statue for decoration, puja or gifting purpose.

Statue Care

Simply dust the statue with a small cotton hand broom periodically to keep any dirt from accumulating.

Statue Height

6-8 inch